- Image by Sir Mervs via Flickr
Do you ever think about the shifts that occur during spring as “Uh huh. yeah. All the flora and fauna are just being themselves, doing their thing.”
I might nod and think that way and go on about my business if I was more familiar with this season.
Where I grew up in Miami we had summer 24/7 pretty much 365 days of the year.
So spring, for me, is still an awesome phenomena.
And I caught myself yesterday thinking “Look at how new everything looks! Look at how everything has finally become alive again!”
And then I paused.
Sure, that’s one perspective.
But what would shift if I saw the activity of my surrounds, as awesome as they are, as simply the now being of flora and fauna?
I’ll tell you what would shift: I wouldn’t feel anything is ‘beginning’ or ‘starting’ but I’d see all as simply being.
Why does this matter and why am I blogging about it?
What if with ourselves we defended that we already include all that we are and will ever be?
What if we stop seeing ourselves as becoming, with all the ‘better’ and all the ‘who we wanna become” stuff out there…in the near or far but not now future?
I’ll tell you what would shift–for me anyway:
1. I wouldn’t pause so much and think “Lemme wait and see.”
2. I probably wouldn’t assume “I’m not ready” on so many things.
3. I know I’d drop more readily the mental muck that doesn’t do me any good (resentments, fears, frustrations…all the self babble).
I could go oober deep with this idea. And might.
But for the now…for today…think on this with me:
If we walk around in our now knowing we are who we will always be, we have all the elements of a whole expression of womanhood or manhood that we will ever need — intelligence, integrity, courage, capability, reason, knowing, discernment, tenderness, compassion, innocence, childlikeness, grace, strength, and so on– what becomes ours to do is to L I V E those qualities consciously, consistently, now, this moment.
Maybe not all at once….maybe gradually….and maybe for a season we winter up and refuel our capacity to emerge and out pour yet again.
But the essence remains whole, complete, always.
I’m loving this idea.
It’s surely what I strive to practice in my thought by thought journey day in and day out but I hadn’t seen it through this lens before.
Being whole.
Being complete.
Embodying a total, expression of individuality now.
How would seeing ourselves this way enable, empower, excite our footsteps?
For me?
No more waiting.
No more thinking “someday when I get more courageous, when I’m stronger, when I toughen up to really really face the biggie hard stuff.”
(What’s ‘hard’ when you have all that you need thought wise to figure out a step by step plan? What may be lacking is experience…but last I checked no one thinks their way through experience….they live it, do it, be it. 🙂 )
Being. All. Fully. Wholly. Now.
I’m in.
What say you?