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Thank you Sofia Talvik for Your Advent Calendar and a Childhood Memory!

Today’s Thursday Thank You! is shared with Sofia Talvik a Swedish singer/songwriter whose lyrics and music offer a melodic memoir of heartwarming substance and feeling.

Merry Christmas Sofia,

Thank you sooo much for your Christmas Advent Calendar for December, 2009.

What a treasure for us all!

Visiting your calendar each day rekindled the feeling of thrill and wonder I held as a child upon opening the sweet little cardboard square enclosing the delight of a hidden image on a painted paper Christmas scene. Each night my sister and I would trade turns and one of us would open the next window, followed by a cup of warm milk and some kind of sweet treat. I remember thinking “why are we drinking warm milk in Miami?” to which my mother would remind me that in many parts of the globe it was snowing and she wanted me feel warm. 🙂 (Didn’t really make sense then. But it didn’t matter).

And in offering your visual invitation to walk into your world, you’ve shared with me — with all of us — something even more enduring of a keepsake: the gift of your visual, melodic memoirs of your heart, your music your Swedish heritage and home.

Since December 1, I’ve watched with delight as you shared a song, a favorite past-time, or your thoughts about the holiday.With each scene, I actually traveled back to when I was eight years old and saw my first images of children my age from around the world– part of a school project to have a pen pal in another country. Somehow even way back then I had this hunch I would one day meet other children in every corner of the globe. Somehow even then I felt connected with kindred spirits. Somehow even then I had a glimpse that wonders and dreams and creative imaginings will always find a way of uniting kindred spirits.

What a tender way to embrace your community of listeners and engage new ones while you honor your customs and openly share your day to day journey with us.

This is one of the most fascinating aspects about the daily gift of social media and connecting with folks on any continent: we actually give ourselves permission to let others in, with open arms and share our lives,  no barriers, borders, inhibitions or obstructions of any kind.

Thank you Sofia for the fond remembrances of childhood, the gift of your music and the song of peace you live so beautifully, graciously, consciously.

Here’s hoping the live performance at Ja Ja Ja rocks as well!

Merry Christmas Sofia….

With love from a new friend,

Tre ~

Neat huh?

I was so touched early December when Sofia launched her Christmas gift for all: a daily Christmas virtual Advent Calendar.

While I’ve never met Sofia in person (yet!) I so value and connect with her integrity, commitment to her music and her creative, feminine style.

Visit Sofia’s Advent Calendar home page and scoop up some Swedish Christmassy heaven and a few free downloads as well.

And if you’re in London and need something fun to do tonight, enjoy the “One Big Nordic Music Affair”:  Ja Ja Ja’s Christmas Party, where Sofia will perform along with Bloodgroup, Harry’s Gym and DJ John Kennedy.

Hope it goes well for all of them.

Thank you Sofia for bringing each of us into the warmth of your heart, home, and song!!!


(Disclosure: This post is me thanking someone who’s touched my heart. I’m not in any way affiliated with Sofia’s PR or that of the other bands. Just one grateful music listener who digs social media giving a shout out for my Thursday Thank you series).

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{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Tresha Thorsen December 19, 2009, 7:45 pm

    Thanks Sofia…Love that you've created this gift for us…Have so enjoyed discovering your music and more about your traditions through this 'window.' 🙂 Have a wonderful holiday and New Year…may you feel the love your music shares with all. 😉 Peace to you.

  • Sofia Talvik December 19, 2009, 3:15 pm

    Thank you so much for this wonderful post and for watching my Christmas Calendar. I hope you get a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    All the best

  • Tre December 19, 2009, 11:45 am

    Thanks Sofia…Love that you've created this gift for us…Have so enjoyed discovering your music and more about your traditions through this 'window.' 🙂 Have a wonderful holiday and New Year…may you feel the love your music shares with all. 😉 Peace to you.

  • Sofia Talvik December 19, 2009, 7:15 am

    Thank you so much for this wonderful post and for watching my Christmas Calendar. I hope you get a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    All the best

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