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This is part 1 of the “Where not to go, ever” series…an attempt to help you tune into your thoughts and figure out where not to go before you head there…from an experienced thought gypsy traveler. 🙂
You know that song “We’re on a road to no where” by the Talking Heads?
Feel free to hum that while you’re reading this….
Hey. Thanks for bein’ here.
Hope you’re well.
So I’m callin it.
You know your thoughts better than anyone else.
You know when you’re vascilating between choices and arrive at that option of that oh not so comfortable yet we fool ourselves to think it is comfortable place of….ready….hang on…deep breath…. ‘Wait and See-ville.”
You know the place.
Well in fact.
It invites your vacation stay whenever you’re in the midst of making decisions. Big ones, especially.
It comes to thought as a logical option.
Listen. See if this sounds familiar.
And for this example, let’s just pretend the ‘thing’ implied is what to do with your life, you know, nothing serious or anything.
Relate at all to this?…..
“Hmm. Well, I want to really do this, but I’m not sure. There’s x, y, and z to consider.
I mean I could do that, and I really want to…but….
There’s also that thing I wanna do.
Sure. I could do that too.
Or even better still, there’s always that option…and that one..and that one over there….
So many choices. And that’s just it, I want to do them all!!!!
Lemme just…(drum roll)…wait and see about it.”
Kay. Yeah, that makes total sense. Wait and see. I really need more time. And I need to figure myself out a bit more.
I mean I’m only, you know, still young, mid 30s and all. I’ve still got so much time……”
We’re on the road to nowhere….hmm hmmm hmmm..
Oh, sorry. Caught me singing again.
So how was that scenario?
Relate at all?
Even the slightest?
No? Cool, no problem. You’re free to leave. Do not proceed further.
But ….If you did relate, you may wanna check out some more of this post.
So…choosing to ‘wait and see.’
Ever gone there?
Wait and See-ville is what I like to call it.
I tend to add ‘ville’ to ideas and states of mind because they can feel like places sometimes, and they are, where we’re choosing to locate our thoughts.
You can surely function in Wait and See-ville.
There’s just one problem: Wait and see-ville makes you think you’re doing something….you know..in that laboratory of decision making.
Wait and see-ville makes you think you’re deciding when really, you’re in that procrastination – station.
Well, be honest.
Where has dwelling in ‘Wait and See-ville’ landed you?
Has dwelling there really made you make a decision faster?
A more informed decision?
More enlightened one?
More “right one” is probably the best question of all to ask.
Well, for me Wait and See-ville in none other than one big giant land of procrastination.
It’s comfortable there.
Less scary.
Less unknowns.
Less risks.
Less conflict.
Less living true to myself and more just go on autopilot mode.
It’s gets us nowhere, slowly.
Think about it.
Look at your life and see if there’s something you are still ‘deciding’ that you were ‘deciding’ last year too.
And the year before that.
And the year before that.
I get it.
I could write the book on “How To Wait and See.”
Um. Shoot. Shh.
Keep my secret will you?
🙂 Only kinda kidding.
Here’s the thing.
Wait and See-ville is heinous.
Don’t go there.
Ridiculously enticing it will argue you need more time, more information, more money, more help, more resources, more folks who agree with you, more anyone who agrees with you, more experience, MORE of anything.
Just to entice you.
Just to get you to think you don’t know enough now.
Just to convince you the who you are and all that you’re about IS NOT ENOUGH now.
The problem is that it never changes it’s line of reasoning.
And day in and day out it lures you to think you still don’t know enough, don’t have enough experience, resources, time, money, etc etc.
Because you don’t, remember?
You’re that stupid imbusol we talked about in Squelching the Self Babble Sabotager last post.
Seriously, not true. But choosing to dwell in that locale of Wait and See-ville opens the door for anxiousness and fear and doubt and frustration to dwell with us in thought as well and all of those inclinations tend to dump on us and blame us and guilt us and condemn us….like the Sabotager we were agreeing to squelch, remember?
Wait and See-ville.
Very very heinous place mentally.
Avoid it at all costs.
Unless of course you want another several years to go by without choosing.
And it’s okay really.
No one will really notice.
No one will really even care.
And you’ll just have to answer to yourself.
and again.
and again.
Nothing like living with 1000 pounds extra of guilt, shame, blame, and anger and frustration cuz you opted to dwell in ‘Wait and See-ville’ steada choosing.
No problem.
Wait and See-ville wont mind.
It’ll lure you with further enticing views when the stakes become even graver.
But heck, what do you care.
It’s mighty comfortable in Wait and See-ville.
You never have to decide.
You can sit and watch everyone else’s lives move forward.
And you’re moving to. In thought.
Of course.
Of course.
And you can convince everyone you’re doin’ fine.
Of course.
No problem.
You’ve got this Wait and See-ville down.
You’ve navigated every inch of its terrain and every square foot of its surroundings.
Yep by gollly, you practically own the whole damn place!
Good investment in you, it’s convinced you to believe.
Because ‘waiting and seeing’ really has given you more insight to which choice would have been better hasn’t it.
Thought so.
Here’s to ‘Wait and See-ville.’
That you never go there.
Be in touch if you want help not landing the plane there. Ever.
Here’s to you.
Thanks for this great exposition on wait and see ville. You have a gift for translating complex unstructured thoughts into simple layman's language even a child can understand and that is a true gift because it makes it so accessible to everyone. I have been exposed to wait and see ville in someone i knew and me being the jump in and do ville type in that situation made it really hard on the both of us. Cant wait to see Part II. Thanks tresha
This was a great read and i related to it right away in an interesting way. I am more of a “jump in and do ville” type but recently i had to deal with someone who was more of a “wait and see ville” type and as you can imagine the twain dont meet and it led to nowhere. I found myself being dragged into wait and see ville mode all the time. You have a gift of laying out complex unstructured thoughts in such structured and layman’s terms that it is a beauty to read. Look forward to Part II. Thanks Tresha