What and how I choose to see
when I look at you…
matters so much because
that? determines what next I will think or do.
If I see you through a lens that defends your worth,
that you are whole and complete now
I show up embracing the who you are
not who you position yourself to be and how
If I wait to see what you’ll offer or pitch
If I wait to see if I agree with your schtick
If I bring that sense of having you prove yourself to me
I leave the ability to connect up to uncertainty
If upon first appearance I see you as weird and don’t even try to understand your why…
If I see you as lacking what I think is essential for status of doing life right.
If I look at you as incomplete or partial…
If I see you as a remnant of the past and of your future unsure…
If my view of you puts you in a box
If I blaze past you thinking you’re lost
I’ll rob myself of the individuality that is YOU
And miss the opportunity to connect with your essence, your truth…
See that was the view many offered me
And in that shunning oh have I felt its burning sting
Yet, I’ve pressed on time and again,
Because I’ve learned to love my unique and follow those inner inklings.
And more?
I have learned how to see the unique in someone else
Far before they prove anything to me
Because I expect to see it with complete certainty
What could shift if we didnt show up wanting anyone to prove anything
Or wait to see who would market their wares
Or who would pitch what program or course
But practiced valuing difference no matter how rare.
What has helped me keep pushing the what’s possible for me…
Is to live my individuality without doubt or apology
And not because I’m some prancing ego
But because my own efforts to conform felt like suffocating honesty.
See, if we live life by a list of should
If we believe there’s a hidden agenda of right life rules
Then we rob ourselves of sculpting our why
And disallow others from getting to know the wonder of our who
Yes, admitted, pressing on can feel unfathomably hard.
But, the cost of not being true to ourselves? Haven’t we played that card?
Tell ya what helps me still to this day
Connecting with the knowing each one of us is finding our way
That? calms my anxiousness or fear
As does knowing and trusting the inner inklings that hug and hold me so near.
What if we each paused for a moment more
And realized that in moments we feel most alone
Someone else is figuring this out too.
No matter how it appears, no matter how it looks to me or you
So, when you feel alone tinkering through the night
When they rally behind ones deemed doing it right
Its vital to stop comparing and doubting
And keep keeping on evolving your individuality.
See, it matters not whether we have a website or blog
It matters not that we rock a video or a radio show
It matters not if we’ve authored a book
Or offer an a, b or c school with ecourses to boot…
No matter what we have or have yet to do
Show up being instead of seeming, we are true
Refute with me waiting to be sold or convinced
Authentic being never needs a pitch.