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What would it take to know you are enough?

Agfa Optima EB
Image by jesse.millan via Flickr

What could happen if you knew you were enough?

Enough right now to do what you need to do, surely, but so much more.

Enough, this moment, to exude all that you yearn to live and be.

It might take figuring out what that is.

It would surely take being willing to listen to your heart and being willing to hear how it nudges, steada running away.

It would surely take comforting and hugging that heart a bit more tenderly when the little girl within wants gives up and tosses her head up in the sky because she would rather count stars than carve out a path, a form, to give expression to her life goals.

It might take deep patience to remind that heart that the now is just that…the now…and that what is hers to do for the now is right– for the now– and doesn’t have to answer “but what about the next millenium?”

It might take sweet giggling to remind her to keep her thought on this moment, this now moment, for today..sweet one..not for the next month, year, or even the next decade.

And when she wants to hide, it might take pulling her by the hand to show her there’s a playground out there.

And when she needs to feel exasperated and cry, it may be okay to just let her do that and stroke her hair and soothe her soul with a very long hug.

And when she’s giddy about the next ‘thing’ and gets all revved up to plot the next thing, it might take that gentle wise knowing that calmly whispers: same modes, different mask…keep on…

And when she kicks her toes to the sand and pouts frustratingly that no ‘thing’ is ever enough, it may take reminding her that it’s hers to exude and know, never more, never less.

And day after day, it would probably take enduring love, the kind that out-pours constant tenderness, compassion, forgiveness, and strength, while standing, gently, peacefully, adoringly.

It might take a bitta pulling up the big girl pants and wearing them.

It might take holding her hand even when she’s scared.

It might take being okay with her even when she’s scared.

It would surely take stopping all shunning, scolding, scoffing, and name calling.

And it would surely take trust. and hope. and total willingness to try, hour by hour, day after day, thought by thought…

And it would take deep conviction in knowing that the who she is is exactly how she is to be.

How bout for you?

What would it take to know you are enough?

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{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Tre~ December 3, 2010, 3:29 am

    thanks for being here becky:) appreciate your suggestion 🙂

  • Becky November 3, 2010, 7:10 pm

    I just read a book called Will I Ever Be Good Enough? by Karyl McBride, Ph.D. Highly recommend it.

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