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Yesterday’s post about “How Far Are You Willing To Go” was a bitta wake up call.
Because the pull to drama-fy our lives is sooo intense.
And the need to wake up out of that pull is huge.
And the need to face our fears practically, compassionately, tenderly, and courageously is huge.
And we are each worth doing so.
Unmastered, fear has a way of robbing us of every single moment of potential bliss.
It eats away at our inner most thoughts and causes total mayhem, so that we’re either always inwardly stressing over something or worrying or feeling disconnected.
Ever met anyone who thinks he or she is ‘all set’ with every single solitary aspect of his or her life?
I know a few who adore what they’ve built. But they face deep fears about health and longevity.
I know a few who feel completely satisfied with their relationships or careers. But they feel off about something else.
I know a few who are on a great trek to reach that summit of all their dreams come true but are battling much the footsteps there and they can’t hurry up enough and are 24/7 exhausted.
My point: where’s it written everything’s supposed to be ‘all set’ in terms of externals?
And I’m convinced such a goal is an impossibility.
But where things can be ‘all set’ is in consciousness….in thought.
Because you can learn to so manage your thoughts and emotions that no matter what happens you have a bedrock of strength to respond with.
Strength that comes not from amassing a ton of assets and achievements — though there’s nothing wrong with either — strength that comes from a deeper knowing of who and what is governing your moments, what the real power is at play, and what is the grounding force in your life.
Everyone is on a unique journey, none of which are supposed to look, sound, act alike.
But all of us, every single solitary one of us is working out our relationship to who and what we believe is that core governing power.
No matter what we call it.
No matter how we address it.
And because we each are working that out, we’re kinda kidding ourselves if we think we can run from it or think that we’ll blow it off and deal with it later.
So I’m here to offer this: if you don’t wanna blow it off, if you wanna think on the deeper things and wrap your arms around figuring out that core governing power and how your every moment relates to it, be in touch.
What does ‘be in touch’ mean?
That means contact me in whatever way suits your needs, and let me know what’s on your mind..what’s eating at you, keeping you up at night, not sitting well, not going right, whatever.
And I can offer how I work…what I have learned about this thought by thought journey that we’re on and the resources I use for managing my thoughts 24/7.
And I can offer how I practice healing and what that includes.
And I can offer you some ideas on what you might try to shift your perspective so that you stop heeding that incessant bugger type thinking that’s saying ‘something is wrong with me.’
Nothing is wrong with you.
Nothing is wrong with you.
NOTHING is wrong with YOU.
Now for the particulars.
I know you’ll wonder what a call or an email exchange with me includes and how much I charge for that (because this is a healing practice and I am doing this for my work).
And both of those are totally fair questions.
So lemme offer this.
I offer a 30 minute consultation session — over email or phone or whatever way is most comfortable for you — at a rate of $80 per session.
For your first session, you get a 50% discount. Think $40 for 30 minutes.
$40 for 30 minutes of uninterrupted sharing/listening support and help.
Payable by paypal prior to our call.
Or cash if we’re in person.
Or if you haven’t yet set up paypal and don’t yet know me or trust me and feel kinda wonky about paying for something you don’t know yet, then just keep reading.
My sense is you’ll build the trust you need to by reading my posts.
Take all the time you need. There’s no rush.
But know this: you matter.
Your thoughts matter.
Your life matters.
Every single solitary moment of it.
And I care that you know this.
And I’m here to help you navigate your thought journey.
So be in touch, as you feel comfortable, when you feel ready.
There’s a bazillion ways to reach me.
You can call me: 617.784.6426.
You can text me, same number.
You can email me: tre@thoughtbythought.net.
You can friend me on facebook: facebook.com/tresha.thorsen and email me that way (as well as see a ton of content I offer free).
You can let me know how to reach you.
Thanks much for reading this far, for being here, for taking moments outa your day to think …about you…and about your now.
Big hugs.
Can’t wait to hear from you.
🙂 Tre ~
Reminds me of that book (forget the name now) which became so famours…the one that talked about thinking positive and making it happen…the one that portrayed that all you have to do is think and it will happen. And also reminds me of my own experience…where fears led to disaster and failure of something that was so pure and precious. Good thoughts.