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3 ways we’re doing it right … a moment of meaning on Monday

For anyone who needs a quick list see the below for three reasons why we’re doing it right.

For anyone who likes to read poetry, keep on to read the why behind this thinking.

As always, if you’d like to chat further about anything that I’ve written here, I welcome hearing from you.

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Thank you so much for being here!

Here’s to your thought by thought and moment by moment being Love and unfollowing fear.




Three reasons we’re doing it right:

  • We all are impelled to see the good
  • We all yearn to be Love
  • We all deeply desire to improve the who we are

So how can we defend this amidst so much that points out what we are doing wrong?

A spontaneous poem my heart to yours:

Look at any headline

It seems the silent rule

“Write about what’s not working

What’s wrong

And why they’ve already failed.”

Perhaps the authors know

A little subtle thing

We are all striving to live convictions… 

And exude confidence…

And sometimes doubt influences us (sigh but it’s true)

And, because thought is sensitive…

It needs a bit of a dad or mom

In that moment 

To hault us from clicking the links

To read what we are doing wrong…

Noticing this trend

To write about what everyone’s doing wrong

I resolved many moons ago

That I would share what I do when that condemning happens to me…within

(To me the biggest need for everyone is to face down the critical opponent in thought).

Ask yourself if ever someone’s  criticism motivated you…

Ask yourself if you were ever inspired to do better as a result of what was said by the one accusing you …

Ask yourself if maybe a more real way you grow

Is by thought by thought  “I can do this” reassuring yourself as you go…

And knowing why you are I am the image and likeness of Love…

So the other day when I walked by this building (see above)

And noticed what seems like basic beginner landscaping

The pull was strong to listen to what was wrong with it in my thinking 

But see I’ve learned how to edit my thoughts each day

And while I’m surely not always on top of it

I’m alert enought to know where I want thought to stay

I don’t want it to friend the whining crowd

Of what’s wrong or what’s not working

Or what’s already failed or shouldn’t have happened to begin with…

I want thought to friend what’s good

What’s doable

What’s possible

This moment

I want thought to then friend how to take proactive steps…

And I want thought to stay in the zone of absolutely what is mine to edit and fix (my own thinking)

I don’t wanna be this nosy nilly pointing out what someone else is doing wrong or even seeing a mess…

In fact when I’ve done this I realize it’s me who’s needing some kind of validation. (thankfully I don’t do it as much anymore always room to grow)

So back to this corner in the main street at the rotary in downtown Westborough…

That strip of land for years now has been completely vacant

No flowers

No green

No happy speck of living

It’s just been this staccato patch of land and it’s not ever inspired me to pause but rather go about my walk

So when I felt the pull to judge and size up all that could be better

I got into my thinking and edited it

Which is me refusing the pull to follow  the mental suggestions or lures the ones that judge and Tate apart

The ones that condemn and accuse

What do I mean

Well I halted little miss wanna be perfect who thinks she knows how everything ought to look and work

And I refuted the pulls to friend disappointment or frustration

And I resisted the pulls to think what the heck were they thinking

And I stood back and got a different view 

and I kid you not
ALL I SAW was the BEAUTY of this landscaping

So much so that I took a photo and had to share it here

See when the mental ugly is unfollowed and the pulls to judge refuted

We are able to see what’s beautiful 

We are able to see what’s working

So for you for your now if you’re asking how can i stop following the pulls to judge or condemn (yourself of another or someone’s style or method or strategy or business or or or)

Notice when there’s a pull to condemn that’s says follow me

Notice when there’s a pull to rate apart and see what you think isn’t working

Notice when  all you see is weakness 

Notice all of these pulls and then choose not to follow them.

Expect to find the good.

Expect to see the good

It’s everywhere and happening now

We simply need to defend it and notice it.

And slowly you will begin to edit your tendency to follow what wants to criticize 

And slowly you will begin to say no to the lures that want you to follow that see what’s wrong or expect the worst

And as thought I’d edited and you refuse to follow these pulls?

Thought will open and have more space to hear and notice and see the beauty.

“The recipe for beauty is to have less illusion and more Soul.”

~Mary Baker Eddy  

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