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#31Keepsakes continue with Keepsake #7: Be protective…of our thoughts

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Ohhh. Hi hi hi and big hugs.

Welcome (back) to the continuation of #31Keepsakes

Thank you for sharing a moment of warmth and reflection tonight….a moment to pause, breathe, and open together a little treasure or keepsake to help you hug your right now and feel the good that you are about this moment.

I’m Tre and just so very grateful you’re choosing to share with me this way.


If this is your first time receiving the #31Keepsakes, scootch to below this post*** and all the yum is there waiting for you to enjoy.

If you’re on twitter, follow @thoughtxthought for daily updates when the Keepsakes are shared. 🙂 (whole collection here:#31Keepsakes)



To ready ourselves before we open up the keepsake, we like to

~ cozy up with something warm

~ locate ourselves in a spot that is quiet and where it’s just us

~ still our thoughts and

~ listen to our heart….

So if you need to take a couple of moments to do that, please do and come on back here when you’re ready.


Hmmm. Okay then…Let’s open open open.

Keepsake #7: Be Protective of our thoughts…..

Roll up your sleeves with me on this one.

Ask yourself 2 questions:

1. Have you ever considered the value of ‘guarding’ your thought oasis?

2. Have you ever intentionally resisted entry or booted out unwanted thoughts?

Well, tonight, that’s what we’re talking about when we open up Keepsake #7: be protective our thoughts.


Definition from the dictionary:

To protect: to defend or guard from attack, invasion, loss, annoyance, insult, etc.; cover or shield from injury or danger.
So for this keepsake, I’m inviting you to consider taking a proactive roll, in thought, of course, to guard your thought from ideas or tendencies that would invade your joy, interrupt your calm, injure your gentle care of yourself.
A good visual:
A lock….a real solid sturdy lock that forbids the entry of unwanted thoughts.

Oh, I hear you feeling kinda squirmy on this one.
Maybe you wanted something more warm and fuzzy.
Maybe thinking about ‘guarding thought’ feels too tough, gruff, harsh.
I know it’s not warm and touchy feely like the other keepsakes.
But guess what?
We need this one.
We need to think about the intense value of this keepsake concept: the idea of protecting our thought oasis to:
1. regrets (as in shoulda, coulda wished I woulda’s)….as in….
  • How could I have done that
  • I should have done that
  • Oh I wished I would have thought of that…

2. impatience

3. frustration

When we listen to the shoulda coulda woulda trio?

They dump, blame, accuse, and worst of all make us dwell on last night, yesterday, last week, 2 weeks ago, a month ago, a year ago, relive the scenario and make us dwell on stuff we can’t change. Not for those moments.

When we allow entry to impatience?

It speeds up our anger and makes us miss the right now because we’re too busy being impatient.

When we mull around in the land of frustration?

Well, we don’t get a whole lot of anything accomplished with a sense of joy. And who wants to mull about this month? That’s the inner Scrooge’s job, not ours. Our job is to squelch the inner scrooge. And keep him out for good (hence the lock).

1. Locking the door of  thoughts to shoulda/coulda/woulda:

  • defends our right to not be pulled to dwell on the past,
  • helps us stay in the right now this moment and
  • enables us to be expectant of good (remember? Keepsake #5?)

2. Locking the door to impatience bars out accusation, ridicule and blame lets us stay in the right now and be gentle, grounded, comforted (Keepsakes 1, 2, and 3)

3. Locking the door to frustrations lets us excercise our ‘in ~charge-ness (Keepsake 4), forbids annoyance and let’s us be calm (keepsake 6).

See why the lock is so important? 🙂


I do 1, 2, 3 several times a day :). I really do.

If shoulda/coulda/would tries to creep in, bammo up goes the lock.

If impatient tries to wheezle in, bammo again, it’s so outa there.

If frustrations occur, and they adore rising up when I’m learning something new, bammo again! Up goes the lock.

Here’s a secret: we are always in the right now.

So whatever we chose last night seemed right for our then right now.

And whatever we chose 2 weeks ago seemed right for our then right then now.


Keeping it super simple, we are learning how to stay in the now and be true to our hearts.

And we are growing and learning and being truer to our hearts daily, hourly.

Whenever the pull to second guess a choice I made comes, I bolt the lock.(I kick out that pull first).

I’m not a bit opposed to self assessment and growth, goodness no.

But, I forbid the tendency to beat myself up about a choice that maybe wasn’t as wise as I’d choose now.


Tonight, as you’re tucking up, think about anything you’re holding onto that you’ve been upset with yourself about.

A choice you made.

A behavior you expressed.

An attitude you harbored.

And if so?

Give yourself permission to boot those accusations out of thought and lock the door and forbid their re-entry.

It may sound simple.

I know it’s not.

But it is vital.

Protecting our thoughts from would be intruders of condemnation is perhaps one of the most important investments I’ve made with my thoughts over the past recent years.

If you need help doing this for yourself, please be in touch. I welcome the opportunity to work with you.


There you have it friend: Keepsake #7: Be protective of our thoughts.

Can’t wait to hear how you’ll use this one…starting this moment!

Big hugs til the next keepsake…..

Tre ~


* If you like these gatherings and want to receive “31Keepsakes Journey: 31 days & 31 ways to love ourselves and one another”

choose one or more of the options below:

  • To open each keepsake as a post on this blog, add your email address where it says “to receive updates via email” on the right margin. (upper right margin)

  • To open via Linkedin posts to profile, add me: tresha thorsen to your network.




All we’ve opened is right here waiting for you too!!!! 🙂

These keepsakes have a background story, the why for why I am offering them.

You can read about that here: Why the 31 Keepsakes?

If we were in a room, picture a big wonderfully bountiful trunk housing a bounty of overflowing keepsakes, plenty to go around and not stuck in some corner far from view but right in the center of a gathering circle.

Start here Keepsake #1: Be Gentle

then go here: Keepsake #2: Be Grounded

then go here: Keepsake #3: Be Comfort

next, go here: Keepsake #4: Be in ~ charge

next, go here::) Keepsake #5: Be expectant of good

and for last night’s keepsake, go here: Keepsake #6: Be Calm

You don’t have to peak at any of these just yet if you want to stay right with us…whatever you are most comfy with. 🙂


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