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4 ways to take a gentle step forward…and be true to your heart

4 Ways to step forward anyway

Here it is plain and simple for those who need to fly immediately:

1. Hug your heart and know this idea has come to you to do….so savor this simple sweet treasure of a fact

2. Ask yourself honestly what would you need to feel able to begin

3. Give yourself one of those things immediately

4. Defend you are beginning

Just in the fact the idea has come to you to do…that’s a beginning.

Accepting the idea is a beginning.

Holding onto it and cherishing it for however long is a definite doing.

It may not seem or feel like you’ve done anything.

But the holding of the idea isΒ  a nurturing of it.

And sometimes we have to nurture an idea for a while to assess if it’s really something worthwhile investing our efforts in.

No one needs to know how long you’ve held onto a possibility.

But you need to accept the fact that if it keeps coming to you to do, well, it would be a wonderful thing to let yourself accept this gift of a nudge and begin practically in whatever way seems doable.


I have loads of suggestions for how to sift thoughts to know what are things that you need to feel safe so that you begin.

And then how to take gentle steps in the beginning and middle stages of your whatever it is you are doing.


What’s most important

But I think looking over what is most important…..


It’s the accepting of the nudge…

It’s the being so on your mental knees grateful that it’s come to you to do…

And it’s the actual practical taking one step….


A bitta background story

I’m reminded of four years ago when I’d first learned of blogging in 2007.

No one I knew had any kind of social media platform or pull and I doubted whether or not such was necessary.

In fact a few folks I deeply respected told me quite frankly I had no business blogging or being on the web….advice that felt really harsh to hear…because I was so drawn to this new world.

I remember beginning my blog and thinking partly how excited I was and partly how frantic I was.

But the idea kept coming to me over and over and over again to do it.

I learned of a conference called “BlogHer” which was happening in just four days and I did everything I could to get there.

And I got there.

And I even made a few awesome friends who to this day I’m still in touch with! πŸ™‚

And I was immediately submerged in this world of women who knew exactly how to blog and were fully engaged therein.

Back then it was hundreds of women who saw blogging as a natural platform through which to build community and share their hearts with one another.

In giving myself permission to start a blog, I was allowing myself to say yes to this–at that time–innermost yearning, instead of doing what I’d been inclined to do my whole life: hear the innermost yearning, but doubt it and deny it before allowing it to take a breath…. b/c so many i respected and trusted had not a hint of a single inclination.

I would say one major theme of my journey thus far is summed up in the idea of being true to my heart, no matter who else is doing what or how they’re doing it or why they’re doing it.

What’s so interesting to me four years later is how many folks who were naysayers have now established social media platforms of their own.

To that I say good for them….

and what’s so true too is just like when I was nudged to blog…to this day there are still inklings I’m learning to give myself permission to say yes to.

So I’m not promising once you do it once you’ll never face intimidation again… πŸ™‚

Ooh. Wouldnt that be lovely.

What I am saying is once you say yes…you dive into that arena and figure out if it’s where you want to swim for a while or not….

The only way to know is to try…

Giggle with me….one of those naysayers was my sweet pops…he swore he’d never do anything online….didn’t want to hear about it…And now a few years later he’s actually on facebook and has asked for a tip a time or two. πŸ˜‰

I’m all about giving ourselves permission

~ inspite of our own doubts and second guessings

~ inspite of the naysayers

~ inspite of those who spit in our face or laugh at our efforts

~ inspite of the pull to convince ourselves that any step forward is a sure way to fall

My life has been a year by year flight–though at times appearing more like the albatross in “The Rescuers” of saying yes to my heart inspite of myself.

And I’m still here.

πŸ™‚ and while I’m not fully soaring yet but here a little there a little…

So today, say yes to something that’s been pulling at you to do.

Maybe you’re inclined to finally forgive someone

Maybe you’re inclined to pick up the phone and reconnect with someone you lost touch with

Maybe you’re inclined to not honk the horn in traffic or let someone turn infront of you

Maybe youll be inclined to giv ea buck to the guy on the street with the sign that says ‘why lie it’s for booze’ anyway.

Whatever way you’re inclined, let yourself be….say yes to your heart.

In one small measure what you’re really doing when you say yes is allowing your true individuality to shine.

We were born to love– ourselves and one another….each one of us in our own way.

Saying yes to our hearts enables this fully….bit by bit and thought by thought.

And if you need a boost, I’m right here.

If you need some help hushing the internal naysayers, I’ve got your back πŸ™‚

Just be in touch. Would adore listening and offering what’s helped me.

So…here’s to being YOU. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


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