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8 Ways to “mommy” ourselves

Mother and Child along the Beach - Green Turtl...
Image by Adam Jones, Ph.D. via Flickr

1. Gently hold your hand

2. Walk, taking as slow as you need to strides.

3. Listen to the inner nudges.

4. Heed them.

5. Calmly choose.

6. Compassionately forgive.

7. Endure, tenderly.

8. Exude love.

In all the ways you are to your heart, cultivating how to mommy you matters so deeply much. If you’re needing help with this, please, contact me. Mommying ourselves matters….more than we talk about it and probably, more than we invest thought and energy into doing it. We can’t be made to neglect the devotion to our hearts that is so vital and needed.

I owe so much of my womanhood to learning how to mommy me in the face of a ton of obstacles, resistance, failures, broken hearts, and the like.

Learning how to mommy my heart has helped me figure out how to walk a pace I can breathe with and thrive in a way I can be.

Here to help you invest this way….

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{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Tresha Thorsen November 13, 2010, 3:37 am

    awww….coming from you, mother extraordinaire…especially to/with her extended children (aka those you touch with your heart) that means the world…truly…..thank you tho too b/c you’ve helped me so much fine tune and tweak my writing voice 🙂 luvs back to u 🙂

  • Shannon November 13, 2010, 2:59 am

    so love that you are sharing this gift you have for really getting “mommying ourselves” with the world. {{with love and gratitude}}

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