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A life….a woman….

Why do we fuss and mess and bother?

busy ourselves with bustle, worry about other?

Why do we hush and silence and steamroll past all that pulls within

when holding our heart calmly readies us to tip toe and step in…

And why must we perform and fulfil roles rigidly, so staccato

as if appearances and titles and phases of doing amass respect of true bravado.

And why seek we permission from other, dubbed sources of validation

when saying yes to our hearts — no holds barred– brings lasting elation…


So it may seem we’ve become experts at avoiding and seeming

But I’m nodding with and holding you, getting so fully the courage to dare admit we’ve lost meaning….

and purpose…

and point….

and our way….our why…and even our me….


What if steada hiding, we remembered there’ve been many who dare struggle

to make sense of their now, define their why and flee remnants of past rubble?

For others too have seen that stages of life, labels and titles do not define a heart,

nor can one’s abilities to LOVE ever be fully contained within playing a role, fulfilling a part…

Could our connection to common journey strengthen resolve to hunker down,

when we know full well the real work is within and will be there always — mine as well begin ours now….

~ nothing to run from..

~ nothing to apologize for…

~ nothing to hide behind…or indefinitely mourn…..

Indeed it could be that all the bashing and scolding–the very voice we MUST hush–

to feel the perpetual constant ALWAYS inner holding….

And with calm deep knowing and TRUST

we can outpour within …

And allow that now focus and tinkering replace every quest ‘how will I ever begin?’


The becoming of truth is a perpetual living….each one of us united in that one expression of  Being.

So when pulled to freak over all we haven’t done,

Fret, regret and settle for ‘oh well I guess it may never come,’

Loosen our clinging to roles while giving heart space to breathe.

Let go outmoded behaviors and former longings, all now just sounding appearances to seem

For evolving authentic expression of our part of the One Being

is a sculpting thought process deep within of sifting unknowns, chiseling meaning….

Each moment we can shape pulls to avoid into facing…

lures to keep waiting into stepping…..

tugs to fret into embracing….

Trust me…. in so doing we lose concern for others’ opinions, lest they so seek to do this work too,

and every once in a while compassionately finding ourselves helping like mindeds shed their cocoons….

For we’re meant to breathe our hearts steada harbor them…

live out our courage steada closeting it for someday…

companion our love…steada save it for one day…

It is enough to commit heart to knowing whole.

It is enough to not apologize to those who deem us a lost soul….

It is enough to focus there so that breathing may occur without apology…

Love may exude without condition…

Being may flow without staccato “I’m on a mission.”

And the only to whom one need ask permission is that inner sense …that nudge that knows….

Safety is …

Security is …

Home is….

Love is…

Oneness is…

allllll within.

Nothing ever to be ashamed, embarrassed, torn, about.

No mess.

Only process.

Of being.

A life….a woman.

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