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And one day, she shifted how she responded…

Just like that…

She decided that what she observed was often quite like the drama of movies…

The self absorbed peoples busied themselves with their self focused murmurings…

The ruminating peoples carried on and on with their bemoanings of this and that and the other happening to them for no particular reason…

The one who deemed themselves living the right life cheered on one another while frowning down upon those who were not opting to follow…

The meek ones who believed themselves lesser carried on in their servitude with here and there complaints about their bosses…

The chitty chatty ones went on with their gossiping frolicking….

The proud and high and mighty achiever ones boasted on and on about their titles and trophies…

And she gazed at all of this and took it all in….and then pushed the pause button.

She reminded herself that it wasn’t hers to judge others choices or doings…

She reminded herself that when her sensitivities flared it was simply because she was being nudged to perhaps not treat others in such a way…..rather than directly address the shocking behaviors.

She held her heart strongly and stood when being showered with criticisms, insistancies and shamings, acknowledging that however she needed to grow she would simply know….and that perhaps amidst all the shaming was a deep genuine concern for her wellbeing though she needn’t allow herself ever again to be scoffed and scolded.

And little by little as so many antitheses of right behavior flooded her view, she gently affirmed for all the real and better and truer way…is to love….

Because she knew that beneath the surface of everyone’s stage is their background story….

She knew that the gossipping frolickers are usually covering up deep wounds of feeling insignificant….

~ that those parading around trophies perhaps had at some point reoccurrences of feeling unworthy…

~ that those running from partner to partner maybe didn’t know how to stand still and feel whole in the midst of being alone.

~ that those who judged her sized her up and condemned her just may well be threatened by her strength, her determination, her perseveering….

Indeed…in finding compassion in her heart, while pausing, she was able to embrace the possibility of each one’s behind the scenes….and trust and know therein that in some small measure of courage, each one, at any moment, could leave the stage and go clean up his or her dressing room…but that she couldn’t clean it up for them..even if she thought she knew how.

She just knew this was possible.

And with that…she skipped down the path looking for wildflowers and hugging the sun…


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