- Image by Ed Yourdon via Flickr
So bare with me cuz this topic is one that I could write about for a while….
Wanna just keep it to small pieces right now.
Yesterday’s post focused on loving your desire for authenticity.
It’s been 24 hours.
How did you do?
There, there….stop rolling your eyes. That’s not really YOU that’s resisting valuing your desire for authenticity…it’s all that would rob you of seeing it’s innate, immeasureable value.
Lemme posit something:
It’s Saturday and you could easily spend all day today and tonight socializing, hanging out with your peeps and partying.
Or shopping.
Or doing errands. You know. Those ‘must do’s’ b/c we all know that if you don’t run to CVS this weekend you will sorta be …um…behind?
And you can gab on the phone, text everyone you know, search the internet for like. um. hours.
And you can go get the car washed and drive around with the top down (b/c in most parts of the northern hemisphere it’s summer now. Um. Yeah).
And you can go get your nails done and a pedicure b/c it’s so doable and after all, you are right there.
And then there’s gotta be groceries you need, so you’ll go run that errand.
And before you know it, you’ll be ready to make dinner or go out for dinner and pretty soon walla.
Day’s over.
In fact you can spend the whole weekend that way.
And pretty soon, Monday’s here.
You had a ‘great weekend.’
And you can zoom right outa this blog and be about your business.
You know. Those errands you have to run are calling.
Now truth?
I’m not slamming the desire or need to do errands, pamper yourself, or whatever.
But can I ask you something? Has any one of those things really worked for you to build and grow your authentic self?
So being gentle….
Take one half hour today.
That’s right. I said meditate.
And if you’re squirming over that word, think: Get still. Breathe. Let yourself stand still for a matter of 1/2 hour.
Or 15 minutes if 30 sounds way too overwhelming.
And sit if you wanna. At a park. Under a tree. At a beach.
But just let your thoughts be still.
You are cultivating a life’s desire to live authentically and doing so really needs you to get to know each and every one of your thoughts.
Getting still means doing just that.
Sit in a yoga poze if that works for you.
Curl up on your bed if that does.
Whatever and wherever. Just get still for at least 15-30 minutes.
You are worth that and your desire for authenticity is worth that.
And to all who are asking “What am I supposed to do while I”m just sitting there?”…yeah. Just go try it.
You’ll see.
Come back here and comment how it goes for you.
What is easy, not so easy about getting still?
Here’s to you and your right to live authentically.
while we can only speak from what's workin/not workin for ourselves, i know i had a pattern for a while where i would do anything to avoid sitting still and looking at my thoughts. and so that is what i was speaking to….crunching thru the day checking off the todo list and adding whatever onto it just to seem /feel productive…when all the while it's really escaping standing infront of the mirror (metaphor) and really looking at the inner pulls. and time and again i've seen that take my days more consciously and thought by thought wise, i don't mentally run away anymore. and i am open and honest with myself about the stuff i feel inadequate or incapable of….and then it's out in the open and i can work on that 🙂
probably we all dump on ourselves moreso than anyone would…what are ways you face your thoughts and not run away from them?
you've got me thinking. how are you coming at your day? it's a good question. one that i need to ask more often.
maybe it just depends how you use those things? i mean, i've had a manicure be a truly healing experience but then it's taking it from a different perspective than 'usual'. admittedly i doubt it's usual to be as monumentally bad at being nurturing with yourself as i am but hey, as i was saying, it's all in the approach.
while we can only speak from what's workin/not workin for ourselves, i know i had a pattern for a while where i would do anything to avoid sitting still and looking at my thoughts. and so that is what i was speaking to….crunching thru the day checking off the todo list and adding whatever onto it just to seem /feel productive…when all the while it's really escaping standing infront of the mirror (metaphor) and really looking at the inner pulls. and time and again i've seen that take my days more consciously and thought by thought wise, i don't mentally run away anymore. and i am open and honest with myself about the stuff i feel inadequate or incapable of….and then it's out in the open and i can work on that 🙂
probably we all dump on ourselves moreso than anyone would…what are ways you face your thoughts and not run away from them?
you've got me thinking. how are you coming at your day? it's a good question. one that i need to ask more often.
maybe it just depends how you use those things? i mean, i've had a manicure be a truly healing experience but then it's taking it from a different perspective than 'usual'. admittedly i doubt it's usual to be as monumentally bad at being nurturing with yourself as i am but hey, as i was saying, it's all in the approach.