- Image by ajschu via Flickr
Showing up on the page every day is an obstacle..but it’s getting easier.
Today I find myself opening up a bit more to simply offer this: I’m no expert.
What I have to offer are some nuggets of lessons that have helped me along the way figure out that until I show up for myself, hear and heed my inner pulls, own my voice and be true to myself, I may as well walk around all day wearing some big mask or flourescent sign that says “FAKE.”
But darn it anyway if being true to our hearts isn’t one of the most difficult parts of this journey! For me it well may be the journey.
But there’s moments, right, when we so feel that harmonic flow of the “what we know we must do” and we so hear how it beckons us follow and we do.
Those moments are wow.
And probably since I’ve had enough of those types of moments, those ‘wow’ moments, do I keep showin’ up here with something to offer, some nugget that I hope might help you give yourself that same kinda wow.
But it’s not easy. And it’s not a bandaid and it’s not a contest that you do 3 things and win this prize.
So if you’re lookin for easy or light or quick fix, please unsubscribe from this blog.
You won’t find any of that here.
At least not ongoingly.
Instead what you’ll find here is one woman’s heartfelt honest outpouring of how over a coupla decades I’ve learned how to sift my thoughts and hear the ones that are the innermost yearnings, the stuff that makes those moments of wow, and how I’ve learned to heed them and follow through and be true to my heart.
But I’m telling you what, while I’m daily getting better and better at navigating thought and sifting out the muck from the yum, it’s an ongoing work and I’m taking these days moment by moment just like each of you.
So that is just me being totally honest.
If you’re lookin’ for a guru to follow or praise or cling to, please, unsubscribe.
I am sooo not her.
And if you’re hoping for some wham bam thank you ma’am tried and true program that assures you in 10 weeks you too can live the life of your dreams, yep, you best unsubscribe and stop following along here.
But if you’re looking for a daily tip, a how to sift your thoughts and figure out how to hear your heart a bit more day in and day out, please stay. Please stay and share what’s workin’ for you..and what’s not….
Please ask questions and offer insights as you have a bounty of them I’m sure.
Some may call it my biggest weakness, I like to think of it as my greatest strength π is how downright honest I am with myself.
And I’m not gonna lie, I’ve spent more nights than you will ever believe feeling so completely torn in a mental tug of war between all that my heart yearned to live and all that my then ‘now’ demanded.
But a coupla years ago I divorced that hypocritical life style. And yet, just like moving on from any relationship…there’s remnants, right? the stuff that clings…the memory, the past behaviors, the past ways of thinking that sometimes creep in and want full blown total attention and buy in.
But what is true is since I know how to recognize the old ways of thinking, the stuff that never served me and never supported or sustained my oice, I know how to squelch them and separate myself enough so that I don’t buy in.
And that’s what I’m giddy about helping you with. Today, tomorrow, and for many days to come.
So after that long winded intro, lemme just offer this: the most important investment you can give yourself today is to practice listening..to your thoughts. Get really really aware of what you’re thinking and when you’re thinking it.
If your thoughts start dwelling on the dumping on yourself, on beating yourself up about anything, if your thoughts start bombarding you in condemning accusations, degradations or shunnings, give yourself permission to stop whatever you are doing and directly hault your thoughts.
But how you ask.
I know. I get it.
Okay here’s the deal: you know when you’re watching a movie and you’re just sitting in the audience and the tape…or clip…or whatever it’s called now…and forgive me I should know…is running? And your job is to sit and watch?
Well, it’s not the same with our thoughts.
Your job is not to just sit and hear. Your job is not just to be audience to your thoughts. Your job is to stop the movie when the images, or in this case ideas, are debilitating.
Now I totally get that you may not know how to do that.
And it may be the first time you’re hearing this.
So you may have a ton of questions on how to stop the ongoing forward feeling movement of those thoughts.
I get that too.
What I can offer here is simply this: Stop the clip. Say no to the thoughts and what they’re accusing. And say no to the pull or lure to get you to listen. Say no to all of it.
Laugh if you want.
Blow this off if you need.
Gawk and say that won’t work indefinitely, but it’s a start. It’s a start at stopping the movie clip. It’s a start at stopping the forward moving vehicle.
And it matters.
And you and only you can do this.
Another example:
If you have ever been a mommy or a daddy–and I have not but I’ve cared enough for little ones I get this–during the toddler years the little one crawls around any which way. And as the parent or guardian you’ve helped steer the baby away from danger, walls, and corner and other ‘ouch-prone’ areas.
Thought is often like a toddler wandering around all over the place.
And especially when it’s trying to fill up with a bunch of negative condemning muck about you, it needs to be steered away.
So get in there and redirect thought even at best if you can only say NO.
Try that.
Try that for one day.
Try that for one hour.
See if it helps.
Come back and share here what worked and didn’t.
Remember this: we’re each experiencing our days thought by thought, moment by moment.
The better we become at navigating and steering our thought, the better we’re gonna be able to hear and honor those innermost pulls and learn how to be true to ourselves. (and big hint: being true to ourselves often has ZERO to do with whatever malarky we’ve convinced ourselves we ‘should’ be doing or ‘ought’ to be doing with our lives).
Give this little tip a try and lemme know how it works for you.
And hey, one more thing; thanks for being here and for making the effort you do to show up for yourself in your day to day.
I can’t wait to meet you in the comments. π
π Have a good one…and big hugs.
So grateful it was helpful to you Kim…thank you so much too for leaving a comment here….what you say speaks to the motive..the heart..of every step…such is my navigating tool π hugs for takin a moment to be here π
Brutally honest and real…and I so appreciate the analogies to the clip and the toddler. π Most of all…it's comforting to know that we are all, each and every one of us, striving to live authentically, each and ever day…. I don't think anyone is an “expert” in this.
Hey Mary Beth:) Thanks so much! Really grateful you come and read and comment. π
Tre – love this, keep it coming! Helpful to so many, truly.