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Being Willing to Listen, Hear, Move

Project 365 #46: 150209 Staying On Track
Image by comedy_nose via Flickr

Hey there. Hoping you are well.

Just a few thoughts today.

Offering kudos to anyone willing to dive deep into their thoughts, listen, and recognize when there’s a pull saying something needs to regroup and restructure.

I know it can at times seem like you’re all alone in that process.

I know well that sometimes it can seem the toughest choice to make, especially if it means going well against the grain of what well intended folks who care deeply about you think.

But listening to the pulls within and heeding them is the single most important investment you can make in your life.

This is because when you heed that voice within, you’re aligning with your oneness, with your relation to the Divine Mind, the universal intelligence that is evolving each one of us and ordering our lives.

Sometimes when I’ve had to face that inner pull it means a small shift in my doings.

Other times it means a complete overhaul.

Sometimes it means a relocation.

Other times it means simply changing my perspective.

But no once when I’ve been true to my heart, heeded that nudge within and followed it have I regretted it.

So this is a short post today.

But if you’re facing a change, if there’s something pulling deep within that is asking you , nudging you, pleeding with you to restructure something, love your precious self enough to listen.

But do more.

Love yourself enough to act on that nudge as well.

You won’t ever regret it.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain in comprehending what’s an invaluable aspect of life: living authentically.

Here’s to your journey…step by step. 😉

Tell what’s working for you: how do you respond when you know you need to do something differently?

Eager to hear your thoughts.

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{ 7 comments… add one }
  • Tresha Thorsen March 5, 2009, 8:48 pm

    Wow. I so admire that commitment. Do you visit someone regularly? I could sit and listen to their stories/recounts of history for hours on end. Thanks for sharing Mim 🙂

  • mim March 5, 2009, 8:23 pm

    I visit the elderly.

  • Tre March 5, 2009, 3:48 pm

    Wow. I so admire that commitment. Do you visit someone regularly? I could sit and listen to their stories/recounts of history for hours on end. Thanks for sharing Mim 🙂

  • mim March 5, 2009, 3:23 pm

    I visit the elderly.

  • Tre March 3, 2009, 2:52 pm

    Well said Maria. I completely agree. I have noticed the more examples I have of following that inner nudge and having outcomes the more apt I am to let nothing stand in the way. Thanks for that reminder. 🙂

  • Tre~ March 3, 2009, 9:26 am

    Hey Maria…love your avatar;) Concentric circles are a realistic visual to me of what happens when you strive to discern what is true and act on that rather than on emotions. Grateful you found the post and offered your perspective.

  • Maria@Conversations with Moms March 2, 2009, 1:39 pm

    Listening to your pull might be the hardest thing to do if it requires leaving your current path. It's easier to stay safe and comfortable but the rewards are not as big. When you follow your inner voice, the rewards are priceless.

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