- Image by Susan NYC via Flickr
How are you doing?
Hope you are well and beginning to take your thoughts and sift them and manage them and weed out what’s not serving you or supporting your now.
Wondering what is your daily meditation ritual?
Or if you have one?
Do you spend quiet time in the morning? afternoon? before you fall asleep? perpetually throughout your day?
Do you have a plan for proactively wrapping your arms around your thoughts, gathering all into a safe space of quiet stillness and sifting them? And then as you sift, do you know how to get still?
The Importance of Stillness
The more I journey day in and day out, the more I’m adoring defending my need for stillness pretty much 24/7, even though it looks more like hours throughout the day that I’m there in thought and hours throughout the day I’m striving to get there again.
- It helps me manage moments and be ever mindful and aware of the pulls to react.
- It helps me hear when I’m about to buy into derogatory or reactionary tones vs refusing to give my consent.
- It helps me see more and more why what I bring into each moment has everything to do with where I’m choosing to locate my thoughts.
- It helps me see where I want to go in thought, steer them, show them which way to go and to head there.
And more? It helps me meet others–also walking around with their thoughts in whichever way they’re choosing to manage them–and not get pulled into the drama or the saga of that person’s now.
And from my own place of stillness and managed thoughts I’m able–if asked–to help someone else who maybe hasn’t quite figured out how to sift and manage thoughts and root out the ones not supportive or productive.
And that is what brings me to this page.
Create a Practice of Stillness
No matter what time of day it is, you can begin right now to practice stillness.
You can begin to get into your thoughts and bring them to a mental hault, hush all the huggabaloo and get totally calm.
It may feel like ‘yeah, whatever, no way.’
And it may seem impossible.
But it is not only possible, it’s essential.
A perpetual practice of managing thought, meditating, praying, reaching out with our heart of hearts to quiet and hush our thoughts is the only way to hear that inner nudge, all the ways we’re feeling led or directed to master fear and to promote our right now intelligence strength, integrity and wholeness.
Choose not just what to wear but put it on
Qualities of thought we want to exude aren’t just like clothes we pick out to wear.
We’ve gotta do more than pick them out.
We have to put them on and wear them.
In other words, it’s not enough to say “I want to have more stability in my life….I want to be less reactionary.”
We have to not only make that intention but practice it.
We have to put that intention on in the moment and wear it.
Stillness is not only an intention but a state of thought that you work proactively to defend and exude.
It’s not just “today I will practice stillness” and then go get into your car and hit a buncha traffic and start feeling stuck and late and frustrated.
It’s a conscious determination to take each moment and see yourself still, wise, able to discern which thoughts you’re going to allow in and which thoughts you’re going to shut the door to.
What stillness routine will you create?
Having a regular meditation practice allows you to calm your thoughts and sift them and get really clear what is steering you.
And the wonderful thing is you can do this several times throughout your day, you don’t need a meditation room, and you don’t need to be alone.
You can go into your thoughts whether you’re in traffic, on a subway, in the midst of a crowd, doing your grocery shopping, gassing up, or yes, even when you’re quietly sitting on your couch.
The whole point is that you begin to carve out moments to create stillness and be still.
And then strive to stay there.
Here to help you do just that.
Here to help you react less and stay steady on.
You are so worth it. 🙂
anyone with extended questions is welcome to schedule a paid emailed consultation.
see my offerings…..
there is no stupid
much of the whole point is to ground ourselves in being…
you can't not think, it's like mental breathing.
finding peace with stillness is a moment by moment quest.
there's not wrong or stupid just continued trying…
boy, this is a toughie! have tried this before and it is exhausting! obviously not doing it right. I have a lot of stupid questions around this like “when you are still how do you think?” etc. Would love to get them answered and get some ideas