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Dear Mommy-Love within,

Dear Mommy-Love within,

I am writing tonight because I want to thank you….

~ for always knowing when I need to pause for a hug,

~ for being there to hold my hand and help me breathe….

~ for seeing that all that I want to do begins with seeing I am being this moment…

~ for reminding me how to hold this moment in all its wonder and possibility and purpose and remind me I am able. Now. To Be. And am Being.

Thank you Mommy Love within….

For you seem to know when I need to slow down for a time out….

When I would rather push ahead faster and ‘seem.’

Thank you for calming my rushing and reminding me to devote to what is doable in this now hour from a place of completeness and wholeness, not of lack and wanting.

I so value you Mommy Love within…for showing me ways to stop framing myself with regret over past wrongs,

for forgiving me fully and showing me how to see the triggers and stop responding.

Thank you Mommy Love within for helping me really live this thought by thought journey

and to not run or fear the sifting of thoughts fully so as to hear and heed what nudges are of Love

and so as to see what lures to fear or condemn needn’t receive my response.

In so doing Mommy Love within, you keep showing me

i am forever safe….and able to mommy me….

i am able to mentor my moments….

and that companioning with my heart…is possible.

And in reminding me that I never need to apologize for how I love……

when I feel lacking, rejected, ousted or slighted… it’s simply a deeper nudge to love on….

Thank you Mommy-Love within…..

May I so live these gentle reminders and nudges that your nod feels my wings and my flight sees you smile.



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