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Thank you…Love you…

The following poem I poemed spontaneously with my left thumb and right pointer consecutively about an hour after the encounter.I share it with you now for Monday’s moment of meaning.

As always if anything from this poem resonates with your heart and you like to share a moment of meaning for healing I welcome you be in touch thank you for reading. Tre 

I said hello

She said hey gal back

I asked are you new here

Noticing her southern accent

Am m”am. moved in a few weeks ago 

Pointing to the upper corner deck

I said Good to meet you! Thats my nest for now…

‘Nest for now”? sounds like my journey too

How so I asked?

‘Honey, I’ve moved so much, nest for now is all that makes sense for me too!’

I sensed something in the bit of humorous tone

I sensed a story of 

overcoming fear and standing still amidst change 

which I know so very well.

“You sound like you’ve befriended courage and hope and resolve to never give up…”

And just like that, as if a genuine comment was a key to her trust,

She began to share a bit of her-story which, as I listened to her, was familiar to me having walked a similar walk…

And walk we did, on this autumn afternoon…

She accompanied on my stroll with the pup

And we spoke as if we’ve known each other for years

With each of the hardships she shared, I listened

With each of the struggles she outpoured, I nodded and made eye contact

but deep in my thinking was I advocating the whole walk 

the true nature of the spiritual idea that is woman:

  • that we are each never alone but always one with divine Love
  • that we each are never simply the events that happen to usbut the thoughts that enable us to press on…and what impels them as an impetus.

I am kinda skilled in this ability to silently quietly calmly advocate truth…

It’s what I’ve been trained to do as a metaphysician, but I’m also able to listen intently to the speaker too.

We each can think while we are intaking stories whether visual or verbal, you know?

We each can be in charge of what we are consenting to and agreeing with 

And more, 

We each can –no matter what we hear or see —stand and say in our thinking: NO.

  • no to the victim that wants to dwell on all that’s happened
  • no to the giving up because what’s the point in the end
  • no to the feeling alone and feeling sorry for ourselves as if its circumstantial
  • no to agreeing with the consensus and majority of opinion that women always have to suffer
  • No to the pull to stress
  • No to the pull that says I’m done or spent
  • No to the lure to apathy
  • No to the pull that dwells on “what’s in it for me?”

All of these points we can each argue silently… it’s a form of prayer

And I don’t just offer these points of advocacy for womanhood lightly

They’re actually truths I’ve sought to live and prove thought by thought, year after year.

And because I haven’t asked this new friend’s permission,

This page and this space isn’t the place to share her why and her victories.

But I can share this that a simple hello and hey expanded

And two hours later she was sitting with me on the floor of my living room

And together we were lighting a candle which she had just given to me that she had made!

Today was Thanksgiving for me with all its tender realness and wonder

Today was the gathering of kindred hearts who boot down fear and insist to press on

Today was a moment of global sisterhood I am sure

For definitely elsewhere other women were sharing their overcoming fear victory stories too.

Something tender happens within us when we brave saying hello

The wall that may have seemed to separate us falls down and through that greeting another feels loved

And that invites a response to be sure

And today I’d hoped for a warm response

I couldn’t have planned what happened next

But golly I should know by now this is what Love does.

I truly believe kindred hearts and spirits do we each and all share

We are each so yearning to be fear free

We are each longing to be known and seen for each of our up til now victories

And where do we share them

And how can we genuinely outpour. If we maybe are facing fear of being judged or fearing being thought as weak or clinging to a victim story?

No, friend reading, I simply do not agree

That if we choose to share our triumphs we are clinging to a past part of we…

I think we must show how we braved this and that some more…

Because, see? It helps us all hold hands and take that one more step and indeed walk on.

For one, walk on today may have meant opting to part ways with

something that isn’t supporting her now, or some behavior that’s been self abusive or violent.

For another, her walk may have found her braving making a call

For another, opening up her first account…

For another, signing a lease of her precious own…

For another, still agreeing to not give up…

For another, refusing to continue…

Oh the millions of ways around the world

Today held our victories and evolved our womanhood!

This sweet new neighbor is just warm and full of love

And she has a heart that’s beaming

And she is determined to settle in and cozy up

Though from the south toward winter she is embracing.

And see, it’s moments like these that leave me ever asking

“Mother Father Love show me lead me guide me”

For just when I think I may have a clue what I’m to do

Something within me says “no lovey…just pause today Tre”

And in that pause and the standing still did I go about my day

Advocating for the spirituality we each embody and demanding fear not steer my day

And I couldn’t have predicted I would meet a new friend

Or more receive a candle made from oil and a wick.

Nor could I have predicted I would feel inspired to share the definition of oil with her — a spiritual view– from my favorite book.

I share this definition with you

And wish you a beautiful Thankful week

Expect to be completely in awe…remember !

And even in the most raw of alone you may feel

There is Love hugging and saying THANK YOU LOVE YOU to each of us

Always and ever…my heart to yours, 

Happy Thanksgiving week.

Tre ~

Oil. Consecration; charity; gentleness; prayer; heavenly inspiration.

 ~ Mary Baker Eddy 

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