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Loving the who you are…

giddy girl!
Image by O Pish Posh via Flickr

I know, the title of this post is really huggy, touchy, feely, intentionally.

Today’s the kinda day when I feel like being huggy, touchy, feely for a purpose: to remind us to be that way toward ourselves and often.

Imagine hushing the barking scolding admonishing top down voice in thought.

Imagine caressing your desires with deep supportive advocacy and sitting back in absolute awe and glee, listening to all that your inner yearnings aspire to achieve and attain?

Imagine garnering up unlimited amounts of excitment, drive, courage, and giddyness to go for it, whatever the ‘it’ is.

Imagine not having to listen to doubt, fear, what ifs or the shunnings of ‘you’ll-never-be-able-to-do-its’ again.

Kinda feels neat huh? Kinda seems incredibly, fantabulously, extra0rdinarily wonderously phenomenal, doesn’t it?

Well here’s the thing:

All that we just imagined is not only possible but doable.

It just takes one small yet biggie thing: figuring out this: whatever scolds, criticizes, judges, admonishes, condemns in thought is never the voice of truth.

The voice of truth comforts, consoles, supports, and it also enables us to be honest with ourselves without condemnation.

So on this day, the first of a new month, how bout seizing the moments, the right nows, to cultivate greater love of ourselves..greater tenderness, compassions, p a t i e n c e, and forgiveness. And as we need it: greater moments to squelch all the negative murmurings.

It’s our inherent right to live condemnation free…and each one of us can by heeding that inner nudge of divine Love.


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{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Tresha Thorsen June 3, 2009, 4:41 am

    Thanks so much for commentin' Shannon….grateful to hear and to 'count ya in'….;)

  • Shannon June 3, 2009, 4:01 am

    Such a beautiful & inspiring post…
    Count me in for seizing the moment to cultivate greater love of myself…and greater capacity to squelch the negativity.

  • Tre June 3, 2009, 12:41 am

    Thanks so much for commentin' Shannon….grateful to hear and to 'count ya in'….;)

  • Shannon June 3, 2009, 12:01 am

    Such a beautiful & inspiring post…
    Count me in for seizing the moment to cultivate greater love of myself…and greater capacity to squelch the negativity.

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