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Mentoring our moments…

Steps Podolsk
Image via Wikipedia

This is the first in the series of how to Mentor our Moments, thought by thought….

Dear friend,

Thank you so much for being here and investing thought into hearing some possibilities for how to mentor yourself and support your right now.

You really do have what it takes to mentor your moments…and your yearning to learn how is what keeps you reading.

Mentoring isn’t out of reach for you at all.

In fact, I’m going to go ahead and tell you I know you already know how to do it. 🙂

Think about it: you probably have helped someone else…in some way…take next steps.


Have you ever babysat or cared for a small child?

Have you ever raised a pet or a furry friend, a fish, turtle or hermit crab?

Have you ever helped a neighbor out?



Think about one of those situations and what you did.

Think about how easy it was to see the need and respond to it.

Probably you could do it blindfolded.

Mentoring our moments is the same thing.


It’s seeing what needs to happen.

It’s seeing the simple next step.

It’s giving ourselves that pat on the back that says “you can do this.”

It’s taking one step.

Doesn’t matter if you’re staring at Mt. Laundry, or looking at this black hole of seeming abyss of I don’t know what to do with my life.

Nothing that feels vastly huge or unknown is really vastly huge or unknown.

And in this “Mentoring our Moments” series we’ll take a look at how you can become your own coach if you will..your own best friend that takes your hand, and happily cheers you on, believes in you and says hourly “I trust you. You can do this.”

So to begin to prepare for this series, take some time between now and the next post and consider:

1) all the things you think you should be able to do that for some reason there’s this mental wall preventing you from taking a step forward…the stuff that you can’t seem to ‘get it together’ to do yet (doesn’t matter if that means tackling the mountain of laundry or cleaning out a closet or figuring out where to live or determining which color to paint the bathroom, or what charity to support, or what guy/gal to date or if to date or what job to do, or whether to go to college or which one to apply to, etc).

2) all the arenas you find yourself saying “I don’t know how” that you wish you knew how.

Both areas…the stuff we wish we had answers for and the stuff we keep saying ‘but I don’t know how to” are two areas that would build and build and weigh heavy in thought and indirectly make us feel incapable, when really, if we learn how to mentor ourselves, we’ll find the ability within us to take the next step.

So, here’s to learning how to mentor our moments.

I’ll look forward to chatting with you again within a week.

Til then, make your list and start thinking about this possibility: you really can do everything you yearn to do and you really can be the decisive, clear, confident person you yearn to be.

Oh, and if you don’t wanna wait or can’t wait til the next post, please feel free to write some comments and/or shoot me an email and I’ll be happy to respond to help you mentor your moments.

Otherwise, we’ll meet back here in a few days.

Til then, here’s to all of us being good to our hearts, thought by thought. 🙂


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