- Image via Wikipedia
It’s a theme I often write about..mommying the moments.
I don’t think we can mommy ourselves too much.
When you look around, the world needs mothering. Everywhere.
By that I mean it needs our tenderness, our compassion, our nurturing patience, our care, our encouraging, our companioning.
And more, each one of us need us to mother ourselves.
Think about it.
When sifting thoughts, the blaring condemning scolding yelling demonic attacks, sure why these may reflect a type of upbringing we had, they are not the mothering care of Divine Love that is nurturing us every single solitary moment.
The questions then aren’t so much “how do I love myself?”
But more to the point: How can I mommy myself right now?
And it doesn’t matter if you’ve never raised children.
And it doesn’t matter if you are not a woman.
What matters is that we pour ourselves into nurturing our hearts and holding them and honoring them and owning our uniqueness….
Starting within may we then pour out to others.
But if you’re like me, maybe you’ve found that in pouring out to others without nurturing youself…well, pretty soon you don’t have much more to give.
If ‘mommying our moments’ feels babyish, ask why?
Better still, share what mothering your moments means to you.
It’s vital and perhaps to me one of the singlemost important lessons I’ve ever learned, and humbly am STILL learning.
What do you think? How does this resonate with you?
Thanks for reading as always and here’s to being the love you are about….
Tre ~
and you as well…thank you for stopping by and commenting…you surely nurture all in your tweets of insights and light and love every quarter hour..thanks @hennartonline 🙂
It's so true what you say about nurturing…it has to begin within before we can be for others.
Thank you for sharing this introspective post!
and you as well…thank you for stopping by and commenting…you surely nurture all in your tweets of insights and light and love every quarter hour..thanks @hennartonline 🙂
It's so true what you say about nurturing…it has to begin within before we can be for others.
Thank you for sharing this introspective post!
Scott, thanks for being here and for leaving your thoughts. Grateful you took a moment to comment.
Kim, thanks to Zemanta, you can add images based on tag words. This phenomenal image came up with simply the phrase “motherhood.” Glad it worked for you. 🙂
I love the important reminder in this post and the Stanis?aw Wyspia?ski image you chose to go along with it! 🙂
I love the post. It really does reflect the nurturing we all need.