The other day I received a call right in the middle of my work…
of course I was expecting a call in an hour
was going through some current to do’s
but the tender voice on the other end of the phone really made me pause and listen more deeply …
“I’m sorry to bother you,” she said
“I hope I didn’t interrupt but I haven’t been able to find a cab and I need to go to the hospital…”
In my work as a metaphysician, I take calls and pray all day long
From folks seeking spiritual healing of whatever almond making wrong…
So when this woman called, even though she wasn’t asking for healing –she was asking for a ride– I knew if I said yes it would be comforting…
But I couldn’t have predicted was the conversation we had which makes me ever so grateful I said yes…
As we were driving she told me she’s been a bit distressed because some friends and family think she made a mistake…
She has been inspired to share a wedding dress of hers and I was excited to hear how …
Then she told me a story that I would never have predicted and based on what she told me I was inspired to write the below poem…
Where ever this post finds you…
whatever you’re doing in your day…
Stay alert for the ones to reach out to you in those rare unpredictable ways…
Because there’s always something deeper than just the need at hand…
and if you open your heart and listen, you may just find a moment of inspiration that can connect you with other girls and women and boys and men in other lands…
Here’s the poem:

A little girl has dreamed for years
about an event that will happen some day and cause the onlookers to be moved to tears
and because of a dear neighbor who seeks to unconditionally bless
that little girl who’s likely now a young woman will be able to wear a white dress
see my neighbor for the last month has been healing from a recent surgery
and she’s been sorting a lot of things given to her when her mom passed, in particular: a lot of clothing
and among the things her mom –as many do–saved for years
was the white wedding dress she wore years ago that moved many back then to tears
and she saw the dress and thought for a little while….
looked over it and saw it’s still so lovely and useful and had then a great smile
she had just sent two barrels of good to a church in the remote hills of haiti
and she thought why now i could send this wedding gown and i must email and see if they can use it
and sure enough with the pastor that she has befriended
she learned that in fact many never wear a white wedding dress when they celebrated this cherished event
and he said ‘yes send it we will offer it to whomever is going to marry’… and we will use it again and again… it will be the wedding dress for the church and whoever married will be able to from your dress benefit ”
and so those girls won’t own one per se that’s worn once only to be hung in a closet
but they’ll be able to wear one that’s been donated with tender love
and maybe her sending hers will begin a tradition of giving wings and repurposing wedding gowns…
Dear friend reading…
May you wed the hour and feel clothed in purity innocence grace and beauty each moment….
Here’s to your thought by thought….
“We are all sculptors, molding and chiseling thought. ” ~ Mary Baker Eddy