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My heart to yours…July 2nd



No need is insignificant
No question is dumb
For whatever reason
We have many …those of us whose life motive is to be love.

It’s not always easy or flowing to see the good…
And it’s often misinterpreted as having head in the clouds by those who seek to make money above the desire to see the good.

I strive not to judge…
I strive not to condemn…
But those who seek self gain
Have often accused me of being lame.

And for whatever reason
As I’ve strived to show my heart,
I’ve tolerated really wrong mistreatment
Over and over again.

Because Love doesn’t give up
But it also can be tough
And none of is need to tolerate constant bullying criticism or being accused of being dumb.

It is vastly hard to have all the answers nor need we.
And if certain practicals continue to be hard for thee:
Like how to buy a car
Or how to do other biggie things,
My heart to yours:
That does not mean you are stupid,
Or lame,
Or not worldly,
Or ridiculous.

It means simply you are not as experienced
Who maybe can do it blindfold.

Yet that also doesn’t mean you cannot learn!!!

Golly I wish we had a society of mothers and fathers
Who held our hand and embraced our questions instead of people who
Act like we are dumb

Or people who take advantage of an innocent mind

Or those who lie and cheat all in the guise of making a dime

Here’s what I guard my thought with time and again:
No need is insignificant if it allows you love more and improve how you give

But be soooooo vigilant to go deep and ask your heart
“What do I need to feel safe” in order to take one step
To meet that need

Or to obtain that thing

Be so sure to embrace this too of this becomes your need
“I need a patient willing heart who will hold my hand and walk me through the process”

And then–make finding that help as important as getting the thing you need…

I’m so serious about this
Finding the calm helper
Or the gentle direction giver even if it means you listen to and trust a seeming stranger

These words are a flowing as I tap keys to type text
But my heart has deep conviction because I’ve lived all that I now pen

Often our relatives are too busy to help
Or believe we ought not be in the situation we are in
Or disagree with how we are fulfilling a dream
Or think we are lame for even starting to try that thing
Or think because they’d never do what we are doing that we are just such a flake
Or think we are naive and tell us our ideas are not doable even a mistake


If this has happened to you or is happening now

Or if this is coming from a loved one friend or partner or spouse

Take tons of moments today to be on your own with your thoughts

I promise it is never lame
To know you can get every nudge and direction you need when you seek answers from divine Love

So friend
What does that look like?
Oh I’ll hold your hand and walk you thru that process forever as long as you need
Because doing so has become the only map I lean on for next steps indeed

But it has taken every ounce of my being to value that I need gentle and slow
In a world where fast and instant seem the only way to go

And it’s taken me more still to insist no need is dumb or lame
And none of us are living a check list of things to master to prove to some authority we have this living thing down like an expert

But this I know eyes closed and heart conviction shared

As you seek to see the good and love all that is real
You will find the pace you need to walk each day
And you will be led to the gentle souls who will hand hold you every step of the way
For that hour
That moment
That morning
Or afternoon
That evening
That midnight
And that is from my heart 2 yours

Keep on
No need insignificant
No question dumb
And always remember the reason you’re asking
Is because ultimately you seek to live and enable others to be Love

Huggas from the road…


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