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Unfriending “someday when”


Someday when” …
Is she your friend?
Do you hang with her a lot and talk about things in your head?

That no one sees or knows but you
But all just may when someday when comes true?

Has she convinced you to wait until that thing occurs?

Has she insisted you can’t just yet because you have too much fear?

Are you letting her steer your “thought RV” ?

Is she insisting you park and wait til all that other happens to thee?

Oh, her topics abound this is true…

Someday when convinced me a time or two…
That I had to wait for love until…
That I had to wait to be a mom until…
And I had to wait to publish until…
And I had to wait to do that thing until I’d convinced others and fundraised for it…

But lately I’ve been thinkering “someday when” has been trying to be my best friend always…

When in grade school, she convinced me I was too young to do this or that…
When in college she convinced me I wasn’t experienced enough as a matter of fact…
After college she convinced me I needed to become more worldly before…

Oh Someday When has manipulated my footsteps so much it’s hard to admit for sure!


Each day of late we have been having a little chat:
I’ve told her we can’t be friends anymore unless she’s willing to rethink
her view that all good must wait til then
I’m not convincing her but I can surely in thought -/ to her suggestions — unfriend

See, every moment we get ideas for how
To love more because that is our innate wow…
But “someday when” tries to put the brakes on
And I dunno bout you but I go nowhere listening to her song…


It’s tough…
But we all must do it!!!
Unfriend the “someday when” thoughts trying to befriend you…

And maybe you won’t need to give yours a name…
But I named mine “someday when ”
And you’re welcome to so the same:)

I’ll let you know who the new friend is…
it’s not gonna be a big wow…

You probably already know her: “this moment now”



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