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Womanhood: The rescue we crave has been ours since a babe

20140415-103215.jpgI won’t lie

I know this is true

Western culture breeds the belief we women need rescuing through and through

I too once sought

someone to save me

or something

or somewhere

I too believed I needed saving

Because so much seems so hard

And so much overwhelms

How is a woman supposed to take care of herself

Now before you log off

or roll your eyes lemme offer

If all you’ve ever seen is a woman being cared FOR

And all you’ve ever heard is what you must pine FOR

And all they instill in you is that which you must DESIRE FOR

Then it shouldn’t be so confusing

that as a grown woman

So many are still seeking being saved or rescued


And Disney heroines only reinforced it

As did fairytales and the like

The prince will come one day

Is what most of us have grown up with believing

And yet

Time after time when seeking a rescue never worked

Instead of blaming the guy I ended up thinking I was a jerk

Or worse I believed something is wrong with me

And only through a ton of prayer and healing have I figured out most certainly:

The paradigm presented that a woman oughta be cared for

Stems from the biblical story that Eve belonged to Adam, was actually a part of his being

And only if we refuse to allow ourselves continue that make believe legacy

Will we figure out that most of the world’s systems still treat woman as Eve

And then see?
You don’t have to deny your inner angst

That refuses to believe we are part of or another’s property

But it will take the work of centuries still

Before a woman is truly treated as a mutually worthy equal

So why cry

And why fuss

And why dump on ourselves more

We are actually reframing the paradigm of a woman’s worth for sure

But it is tough work

Because it all goes back to perception of origin

And so friend when it feels like all you are surrounded by are desiring a rescue

And when you find yourself seeking that too

And when it all falls apart and you are sobbing and your soul aches through and through

Please I tenderly embrace you to be gentle with yourself

We STILL do not have a ton of examples of others who have not sought

a rescue

a saving

or another to provide

someone to take care of us

or someone to steer us or be our guide

So don’t be too hard on yourself when he’s promised the moon

And you’ve fallen for it yet again as you felt so deeply swoon

And don’t be too hard on yourself when he’s left one morn

And you have nothing because you didn’t put anything in your name again regrettably for sure

And don’t be too exasperated believing you are lost

My dear sister friend

You are standing on the cusp

Of the greatest opportunity at hand for us all:

To rewrite the paradigm of a woman’s song


I’m rewriting it too and standing and stumbling and attempting to soar with you


We have already been rescued when we rethink our birth

When we see that our true parent is that Father Mother Love of Spirit

Seek your identity there

Own it savor it and hug it up

You are ONE with LOVE

and not a complete mess up

You are whole complete free and worthy now

And I promise you friend these are not just cozy words

These are inherent truths we are each living our best somehow


If you need a boost

If you need a sense of belonging

If you’re exasperated from being dumped again

If you really trusted that this time he was the one

I’ve been there

I so get it

And I have had my heart wripped out and broken so much too

But the only thing that has ever healed it

Has been discovering my oneness like you

No man is evil

No woman is naive

World belief has treated us forever as if we were partial alone and so weak

So my heart to yours you must resolve that you confront

Beliefs not convictions

And you must be willing to redefine your coarse

You are so very allowed to have a life partner

You are worthy of love through and through

But the love you seek comes from within and has already rescued you.

Because you are not a mortal partial being

You are not someone’s asset or form of property

And whether your marriage was arranged and you had no say at all

And whether you’ve dated online and really thought this time he is the one

I know it will sound radical

I know it will sound harsh

BUT NO ONE needs to be THE ONE and really no ONE can fulfil that for us

We must seek our completeness from that inner source of Love

And then see friend wherever we go forth

We will express outwardly and overflow in Love.

Be wise.

Be courageous.

Be willing to step out of the mold.

You are rewriting the song of woman.

You are creating your precious song.

Here’s to the completeness, wholeness, secure, safe, stable, supplied, inherently adored, approved, worthy daughter woman and beautiful being that you are….that we each are.


My heart to yours,


{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Tre July 18, 2014, 6:14 pm

    So grateful to hear how the poem resonated with you… Good to meet you too!!! Here’s to the pioneering outdoors and forging new thought borders 🙂

  • Pioneer Outfitters July 6, 2014, 7:08 pm

    Beautiful and uplifting. Thank you for sharing the feelings inside of you, with us, for us, all.

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