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Refusing hostage to fear…how I’m praying about the Boston Lockdown

English: Mary Baker Eddy Library, Boston Massa...

English: Mary Baker Eddy Library, Boston Massachusetts, October 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Originally posted as a note on Thought by Thought’s facebook…

As a former resident of the South End for 8 years and having lived in and around Boston for the better part of 20+ years since I was a visiting student at Harvard in 1989, I, like you, have felt deep conflict over the attack on Boston.

I love Boston.
It houses the several institutions that hold my heart…
It’s holds the home and the people that nested and neighbored me for a coupla of decades.
I love it’s small town feel, the heartbeat of America, the pulse of a world.

So my thought is completely connected with the manhunt right now, with the aftermath of the bombings…

And like you, I’m yearning for everyone in the area to feel a sense of right now safety.

The lockdown touches all of us and reminds us of former times when our safety felt threatened.

It’s all too reminiscent of when I was 11, and my then home town of Miami was under lockdown during the riots of 1980.
So I relate well to that icky, awkward, vulnerable feeling

…that evil is mastering good.

…that our home has been taken hostage.

…that our safety has come into question.

And this is what I wanna help with today.

Address how we can each try as best as we’re able to thwart off that feeling of being seiged.


Because while we’re not in the roles of the manhunt pursuit, we are each thinkers and we can choose, in fact we must choose, what we’re allowing steer thought.

We can each choose to refute the mental lockdown of fear that wants to slither into our hearts and imprison us or terrorize us to feel hostage.

So here’s how I’m praying.
Disclosure: I offer this as if any reader is a patient I’m working with. For that reason my tone is direct and informative. I’m offering as suggestion but also as conviction. Here’s hoping I can learn how better to use tone that engages….Hence, please forgive the talking at nature of this, as I’m typing live and thus it’s raw.

First I take my whole being and I embrace my conviction is what holds power: Divine Love. I’ve come to know this Love as Mother, as Father, as Mind of the whole universe. I’ve come to understand this Love as…

all presence.
all power.
all knowledge.

Always. in all ways. everywhere.

Regardless of what the human scene is testifying this Love is law and it is at work.

Second: I establish my relationship with this Love. I know that I am and that every human being is a child of this Love..a reflection. an emanation. What this does is establishes, grounds, defends my innate innocence, my innate safety, grounded and girded and at one with Love.

Third: I insist that this relationship is the truth for each one of us…and I pray for mankind this way…that innately all of us are feeling our innate innocence…our innate wholeness.

Fourth: I defend again and again that this law of Love is insisting on justice…right now….and that is what is steering those serving as police and guards and our armed forces. And that this law is establishing safety and security for each homeowner in the neighborhoods where the manhunt is going on.

Fifth: I defend and defend and defend that every citizen in Boston and the world over can thwart off the pulls in thought toward evil….those that make us feel anxious, apprehensive and insecure for such are the mental terrorists that try to hold each one of us hostage.

And in my conviction, I’ve learned that Love holds only and lasting power. And that evil acts and motives are not people but thoughts. And thoughts can be bulldozed. So we begin where we can in thought with thwarting off fear.

Why? Not because we are irresponsible but taking up the most important responsibility: that of insisting on what is steering our thought.

And I hold this hope for all of us everywhere every moment.

This is how I’m praying….

And I welcome supporting you and helping you feel safe….in thought…where it matters most.

I know that many of us are glued to the tweet streams and that many of us are following the breaking news….

Do your thought and the community a favor and take moments to pray to defend safety…

Boston represents hamlets everywhere.

And we are all able to be the mental armed forces thwarting off the terrorist wannabe of fear.

On a practical basis: pour your heart into love today on any level that feels natural, practical, doable….

From the nest of your closet or home office desk or kitchen sink or wherever you are spending moments during this lockdown.

We cannot be held hostage.

We cannot be made to fear our fellowman.

We can have the greatest of compassion that forgives but loves on.

Boston thought can be a beacon of hope resilience and love for all mankind.

That is power. And that power heals.

Deep love to all ya’ll…right here with you.

“Mankind must learn that evil is not power. Its so-called despotism is but a phase of nothingness.”
Mary Baker Eddy

*The how I am praying for healing…is how I’ve come to understand practical spirituality from my study of a the ideas in a book called: Science and Health

…a complete statement on the Science of Mind healing.

It’s opening chapter is entitled “Prayer” and in reading those simple lines I’ve come to understand why Divine Love is accessible 24/7 no matter if i’m sitting at my desk, driving a vehicle, in an office or walking the streets of a city.

If interested in that text, a copy of your preferred method of reading can be found here at project gutenberg…html, kindle, etc.


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