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It can come knocking in a moment…the self loathing stuff.

Insisting, breaking into our moments, demanding we respond.

But…so too in a moment…can we bar the door and refuse to answer the knock.

No matter how blaring the condemning onslaught.

In a moment can we guard our thoughts, our heart, and insist on the assured safety and integrity of the beautiful, pure, innocent motives of our lives.

In a moment, too, can we realize…this onslaught–the knocking at our mental doors– is the real enemy.

Not out there.

Not over there.

But within.

And yet?

In another moment can we see that through Love, through innately being our true selves, we don’t need respond to the pounding.

We don’t need to open the mental door and allow them–the onslaught–entry.

In fact, we can remain free, safe, even untouched.

All it ever takes is one moment.

In a moment, we can choose to refuse to answer the knock of the blaring murmurs.

In a moment, we can choose to not respond to the pounding on the door, no matter how tempting the lure to open.

And in that same moment can we find peace in defending our freedom.

And therein is peace.

Surely an ongoing process.

But always and ever ours. Now. Forever.

“Manking must learn that evil is nothing, no thing, mind, nor power. It’s so called despotism is but a phase of nothingness.” ~ Mary Baker Eddy

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