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Welcome to Being – ville…

Welcome Sign
Image by Let Ideas Compete via Flickr

She imagined the door sign read: ‘Welcome to Being -ville.’

And she sighed. A deep, calm, ‘aha’ kind of sigh.

A breeze blew.

The crisp icy snow didn’t budge.

But her heart did.

As she stood gazing out over the vast land…sizing up the topography: rolling hills, icey valley, barren woods with a coupla evergreens thrown here and there, the little girl within said “But….but…Tre? This doesn’t look like the Keys: no mangroves, no islands, no balmy breeze or calm rustle of the palm trees. Are you sure?”

And the grown up within hugged the little one tenderly and said “Honey…that was then. That was childhood. This now. The Keys may be some day…but any-where can be the Keys when we stay in the now and realize the fullness of the bounty that we are. Remember? We’re dwelling in thought now.”

And the little girl whined, “But I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know anybody here. I mean really know. It’s so much easier to just stay on the road…I don’t know how to do stand still and beespecially when there’s no one but me to be for…It’s so much easier to get enmeshed in helping others ‘be’ and helping others ‘do’ their thing…That’s what women do..help others be…

And I’m not sure what clothes I need to keep me warm and I don’t know how to shovel out and what about running? How will I do that in freezing-ville? And what about appearance, am I supposed to just look like the Michelin man in down and bulk for 5 months? And what about family and friends and ya know all they’re doing and their expectations? And what about ya know a life…the stuff that a ‘real life’ is supposed to look like?”

And she threw out there a ton more concerns that all started with “But what if…..”

And the mommy within took her — yet again — and said “Honey…we are home. Home is the consciousness of harmony and calm. And both are where you dwell right now…where everyone dwells. And we are proving this moment by moment. As for the ‘logistics’ of life, we are learning and will continue to learn them.  And we love learning new things. And the whole point is this: there is nothing more than the right now. There is nothing more wonderful, better, whatever out there. All is right here. And we are safe. And we are free and we are loved and we are strong. And we are complete. And we are adored and valued and needed and worthy. And we have permission.  Now come on and let’s go inside.”

And the little girl hushed. (but she still had a few tears of fear in her eyes).

And the mom within took the key from her pocket.

Her own key.

A real key.

Not a hotel card key.

Not someone else’s home key they made a duplicate of.

Her own key.

And she reminded herself what she had just said “Your ‘keys’ can be anywhere.”

And she opened up the door.

And walked in.

And she giggled.

Because the place was empty.

And she knew there was a bazillion things to do to ready it up and make it actually look and feel like a home.

But she knew she was already there — in thought — where it will always matter most.

And she sat on the floor.

And looked around at the bare walls.

And heard the neighbors upstairs.

And giggled again.

And said out loud a gentle reminder: “Honey love, this is for now. And your forever home is within.”


Being – ville.

It’s a place…in thought….where you shift all the pining for in whatever way it lures…to the defending what is now.

And you defend all that you are you are this moment.

And you stay there.

And exude from that place of fullness.


3 tips for how to go to Being – ville:

1) Practice for 2 minutes a day sitting still. In thought. In 2 words: still thoughts.

2) Breathe

3) When the pull to press the rewind button comes tell it no. The same holds true for:

~ but what if

~ but how will I

~ but I don’t know how

~ but I’m scared

~ but I”m feeling all alone

~ but I have no idea how to do this

~ but it was so much easier when….

~ but it would be so much easier if…..

4) Repeat steps 1 & 2 every. single. solitary. time the pull to fear ensues. (or the pull to rehash, rewind, revisit or dive into but-what-if-ville)


Note: I have no idea what your now looks like.

My now for the past 3 years has found me in and out of make-shift-ville trying to establish a permanent base where I can live and work and offer my services to clients.

None of what I’ve proved in the past 3 years would have been possible without a sense of establishing home in thought first.

For all intents and purposes the general public would have called me a homeless woman.

I never once wore that label. Not publically anyway.

For one, I tried to stay at shelters but because of my vehicle and my dog I wasn’t allowed.

For two, I knew that was only a temporary option.

For three, there is probably nothing more powerful than any one of us advocating our right to conscience, self government and freedom.

And I simply refused to give up.

I am still very much in the building a life process appearance wise…of what I know is possible.

But I am very grounded in what matters most.

And these posts will be just that. Offering tips that have helped me discover being ville and dwell there leaving behind stuckville, wait and see ville, scared ville, lonely ville, depressed beyond ville, empti ville and all the other muckety muck that you experience when you are all alone and desperately afraid.

Where’s this gonna go?

I can promise you snippets of what dwelling in Being ville looks like.

I can promise you snippets of what stuckville and wait ‘ n see ville look like too.

Ultimately? It’s my hope that in hearing accounts of my story you will cease at once dwelling anywhere but being ville.

And should you need help doing so, you betcha this is a plug in for my services.

I will help you get out of stuckville and dwell in being ville.

Not a whole lot else matters.

Thanks for taking some moments and being here.

You matter. So much.

Til the next story.

Tre ~

“Pilgrim on earth thy home is heaven. Stranger thou art the guest of God.” ~ Mary Baker Eddy

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