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….but did we try to see and be the good?

What if we judged not the title

the square footage

the amassed assets or value of portfolio?

What if we measured the how we live?

What if in assessing our day’s accomplishments,

rather than measure what got done off the to-do list,

we gauge how were we kind?
How were we fully present?
How did we help?
How did we see the good?

What if instead of asking our children what they learned in school we asked instead

How were you kind today?
Who did you help?
Or how did you take care of your heart when others’ made fun of you?

What if instead of sizing up our weekends by what out plans are,
we ask how are we investing thought in refueling ourselves?

What if instead of interpreting another’s gain as our lack, we celebrate their joy?

What if we started asking how are you being? instead of “what’s up”?

What if we stopped judging ourselves based on parental expectations and instead adore we are seeking how to be true to our own inclinations?

What if we cared more for how our behind the scenes is going as we care about what we appear as in presenting ourselves?

What if we learn that it is the behind the scenes that matters most….

Would we be able to forgive all the years we focused on how we appeared?
…what our lives “looked” like?
…who we knew?
…where or how we lived?

When the recognition is gleaned–that the steps are the what is important, one’s thought shifts and focuses on the how each step moreso than the what or how fast each step….

Then the silent competition ceases between ourselves and our sense of ability…or accomplishment….

For what can we not do when we focus on how we live and more, how we love?

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