A poem…stitch by stitch, thought by thought
(when you click on the blue highlighted text, the mp3 of the poem will play…

At first was I just fabric and thread
til…stitch by stitch…tender hands sewed me into this form instead
but always, was I through and through
the girl I am
And so, my friend
whatever your now seems?
You already are and include all you’ll ever need to be
For just as tender care stitched my form
Love’s evolving you, thought by thought, already adored 🙂
Hello reader friend and thank you…
For giving this poem a listen.
And for being here and sharing some of your thought focus.
If this poem resonates with you, and you have any interest in thinking through how to adore you, your now,
and how to see and feel that you already include all that you need to be,
I welcome talking with you…
Just fill out the contact form (tab to the right).
I look forward to hearing from you.
Big hug,
thank you for coming over and reading…
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