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Tuesday: trust the nudge 


Some people don’t need permission.

They just go and do.

While others get inklings and are in awe of what they see.

Yet stand still and wonder if they’re allowed to.

And they wonder this for a year or more…

And a decade goes by and they’re still in awe of an idea for sure…

So they resolve to hug up their inkling and begin to do what they must

And gradually gently begin to…trust.

Trust the inkling.

Trust the why.

Trust the nudge.

And trust that feeling of oh my…

For allow may not be a close friend yet…

To the ones who often feel permission they must earn or go get…

And little by little 

As they friend and follow allowed 

The steps and the process come together simpler… 

Kinda wow.


Tuesday: trust the nudge.

My heart to yours,

Tre ~ 
Have you friended “allowed”?

Do you know him or her well?

Or are you asking if you can become friends with her or him still?

If you feel yourself on the fence trying to figure out if you will become friends I welcome giving you the thumbs up go ahead because to friend “allowed” is perhaps one of the best things I’ve done yet.

My heart to yours… All poeming aside…

It can feel really hard to allow ourselves and we may be asking why…

Or we may be stuck in I dunno how…

I get it.

I’ve been there.

And I welcome helping you figure it out.

Be in touch.

Email me tre@thoughtbythought.net 

And let’s begin a conversation.

Thank you for being here, reading, and considering working with me …


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